5 Golden Jewelries That Has Never Been Found
The history of humanity has been marked by wars, discoveries and inventions; but also by some mysteries that to this day have not been solved. We will talk about 5 golden jewelries that was never found.
To most people, treasure hunting is just a hobby, but for some people who are really interested in archeology and historical knowledge, it can be a calling and even a career. And what about those who live by looking for treasures? They are called "treasure hunters", and they usually look for important archeological artifacts around the world.
But sometimes these treasures can take very valuable things that do not have anything to do with history or archeology. Sometimes it comes to something that has simply become legendary. These things will make anyone happy. And sometimes also very angry.
There is a treasure that was never found. It was said that there were some 30 million dollars in jewels, but they were never found.
#1. The Kansu Warlord's Golden Cup
The origin of this treasure is unknown, but there is a lot of information about it. For example remains from the First Emperor of China, which was named Shihuangdi. And there were six cups made of gold in his tomb. However four were stolen eventually and even their origin was still unknown.
The Chinese name for this treasure is Gui Zhi Qing, which means "the cup that cannot be replaced".
#2. The Golden Oak Coffer
The origin of this treasure is also unknown, but there is a lot of information about it. The coffer was buried in the year 1293 by Sir Robert Fitz-Stephen de Clare. And it contained ancient currency, gold, silver and precious stones. However soon after his death in the 13th century, it was secretly removed from under his tomb by a priest to the treasure vault of St Thomas Church in Basingwerk.
Unfortunately, the coffer was open and looted of its contents by Henry VIII of England during the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
The golden oak coffer was found again in 1854 under a floor at St Thomas Church, by workmen who were preparing to demolish the building and use the materials for shoring up the walls. The money had been spread around in the coins as they removed it from their hiding place. In total, there were some 100 different coins and bars of gold, silver and copper. It is estimated that the value of these coins is around $ 1 million by today's standards.
The original hoard from the coffer was catalogued properly, but when it was transferred to the British Museum for preservation during World War II, it vanished into thin air. It is believed that the British government took it and not returned it to the Basingwerk church where it belongs.
#3. The Black Death Jewel
There was a painting on the inside cover of a book which had interesting details about the portrait of an unknown person. Additionally, there were no legends or names mentioned in this painting. And it was definitely stolen, but nobody knows where exactly to.
Some historians believe that this information is about a man called Sir Edward Greystoke who lived in the 14th Century. He was the richest man at that time and also he was called "The Black Death Jewel". He died in August 1435. They also think that the book was too valuable to be buried with him.
#4. The Amber Room
The original Amber Room was not made of gold, but it is a room covered in amber which was built in 1701 and 1706 by Germany's Frederick I. Also this room once located in Königsberg Castle, but on June 6, 1944 it was destroyed by fire during the bombing and reduced to ashes.
However, there were some pictures of this room which were made by the German photographer Juergen Teller in the 1940s because he wanted to preserve this treasure. Then in 1991, Keith Callaghan and Richard E. Hughes made an incredible discovery, and they believed that the rooms would be rebuilt. Keith Callaghan: "I believed it when I saw it. I've been looking for that room for 30 years."
#5. The Countess of Dufferin's Jewels
In the 18th Century, there was a beautiful woman who became widow and she decided to turn her life around. She married the Earl of Dufferin owner of the Golden Square in London.
She was even more beautiful than before, and she wore three pieces of jewels which were given to her by an Italian lover. The legend says that she disappeared in a shipwreck off the coast of England.
In 2015, a diving team, the Marine company and a search company called Recovery Limited International Ltd. sent an expedition in search of this treasure in the North Sea.